Hello! I am

Dipanshu Mishra

And I'm a

A tech enthusiatic, young developer who's keen to learn , develop and compete with the best in the business. Want to interact with me? Click Below!

About Me!

Full Stack Developer

I am a dedicated and passionate B-Tech Computer Science student at Parul University with a profound love for coding and problem-solving. My journey in the world of computers began with a curiosity to understand how they work and the magic they create. This passion has driven me to pursue a career in the field of computer science.

Currently, I am honing my skills as a full-stack developer, proficient in a variety of programming languages and technologies. I have expertise in C++, Python, Java, and front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap. Additionally, I have gained experience in backend development using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, allowing me to develop robust and scalable web applications.

I am always eager to expand my knowledge and stay updated with the latest advancements in technology. Currently, I am delving into Next.js for building dynamic web applications and exploring cloud computing to enhance scalability and efficiency in my projects.

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My Skillset and Qualifications!


















Parul University

Vadodara, Gujrat


CGPA : 8.9

Reliance Foundation School

Panvel, Maharashtra

2019 - 2021



Panvel, Maharashtra

2012 - 2019


Latest Projects!

CPC Canteen

PU - Transport Management System

A web app for the users of Parul University to get their deatils related to bus timings, routes, and bus pass. Admin Panel for the admin to manage the users and buses. Built using MERN stack.

CPC Canteen

CPC Canteen Management

A CPC Canteen Management System to help police personnel and servicemen for easy access to items they require. A project build while participating in Vadodara Police Hackathon 2023.

Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway Integration

A project that integrates a Razorpay Gateway for Payments. It is a test mode so no real payments are made. A project done for Internship at The Sparks Foundation.

Realtor Clone-React JS

Realtor Clone

A React JS project that lists houses available for rent and sale. Made by using Tailwind CSS and React JS.

House of the Dragon Alternate Website

House of the Dragon Website

An alternative HOTD website where you can see the Trailer, Cast and much more. Made by basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Music Player

Music Player by Emotions

A project build using Python and its libraries along with HTML, CSS, JavaScript for the UI. You can randomly select a song or the AI will identify your emotions and song will be played accordingly.

Basic Banking

Basic Banking Website

A basic banking system where users can see and do transactions between multiple users. A task that was done as a Intern at The Sparks Foundation.

Superhero-Info Generator

Superhero Stat Generator

A stat generator for your favorite superhero! You can search for your favorite superhero by their name or you can randomly generate a superhero for you with their stats such as Intelligence, Strength, etc. Uses an API to load stats.


Weather App

A project that integrates the Open Weather API to show realtime weather of different cities which a user can search. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Tic Tac Toe Game

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

A simple tic tac toe game to play with friends. Supports 2 Players who can play against each other. Background music along with win-loss music as well.



A simple calculator made using basic JavaScript. You can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in this calculator.

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